This was originally posted the Dove World Outreach website blog, and is reproduced in it's entirety here, including tags chosen by the author and date tag chosen by me to make searching by date easier, and adding the author's name as a tag:
By Dr. Terry Jones - Posted on 25 June 2010
While they stood in their place, they read from the book of the law of the LORD their God for a fourth of the day; and for another fourth they confessed and worshiped the LORD their God. Nehemiah 9:3
While they stood in their place. One of the important keys of a functioning church, functioning body, a functioning company: everybody finds their place, knows their place, gets put in their place, and functions in their place.
We can see, actually, more and more, how our form of government is unscriptural. There is no democracy in heaven. In heaven you do not get to vote. Actually the only true form of Biblical government (this will get you in trouble) is a dictatorship, with God being the dictator. Democracy is not scriptural. It may be, it could be, the best form of government we can have here on earth. It could be, because of the human element. The human element cannot be trusted.
The only alternative we have, probably, is a republican democracy, but in heaven it is a dictatorship. You don’t get to vote, you don’t get an opinion. In heaven it has to be done God’s way. He is the dictator, he is the authority. So if you are planning to get along in heaven, you might as well start obeying now, because you will have lots of trouble in heaven when you are already here disobedient.
They read from the book. Separation of church and state is not Biblical. They read for a fourth of the day. They did not get some little sermon. Jimmy Swaggart used to say? “Sermonettes make Christainettes.” There was not, here, a 30 minute preaching, a 10 minute Youtube, a one and a half drinking with Bob. Here they read for hours and hours. the Word of God had a priority. It was there. It should have a priority in your life.
Maybe you have to work, but there is some time that is completely open ended. For most of you all, around 8 o’clock, we ‘own’ you. If you work for TSC Moving, Dove World Outreach Center, the Lisa Jones House. But the rest of the time we don’t. You could get up at 4 in the morning. It is only sleep! Dr Yongi Cho said he slept only 4 hours a day. he built the largest church of all time. Sometimes he did not even go home. Sometimes he stayed for months in his office praying, spent the night there. We can do a lot of things. We can do a lot more things. Do you know why we can’t? Because we have been babied by our parents. And we baby ourselves.
I hope this next generation, the Calebs and Jacksons, and others, I hope they are not babied. I mean, boys and girls need to be patted on the head, but don’t baby them. Let them fall out of a tree and get all scratched up. It won’t hurt you. You don’t whine there, boy! Quit your whining around. We have a whole generation of whiners.
They confessed and worshipped the Lord their God. That was a holiday. They confessed their sins. We need to confess. If you don’t have a lot of them, good. You may not have a whole lot of them. I hope not. Like Clint Eastwood, hadn’t been to confession in 50 years, finally went and had 3 things to confess. Maybe that’s you. But we need to confess the sins of our nation. I can’t get over it. I can’t get over what we have done!
We have an organization in America called the Equal Opportunity Employment Council. We have just appointed a lesbian to head that Council. Who says openly this means gays have won, Christians have lost. This means any issue concerning homosexuality and religious rights, the Christians will always loose. It is the state of our nation. That’s only one little thing, and I bet none of you had already heard that, huh? Where’s the news media now?
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