Thanks to our ex-Muslim supporters and friends who have studied Islam extensively in Arabic for the following essay! God bless and keep you all, and your families who live dangerously as Christians in Islamic lands. In Christ, Dove World Outreach Center.
The New York Times mentioned on August 22, 2010 that not just the Taliban stones adulterers, but also Saudi Arabian, Iranian, Pakistani, Sudanese, Somalian and even Nigerian Muslims: Why? Because, this simply is Islamic Sharia Law. In front of me now is a book called “The Ordained Penalties of the Sharia Law,” written by The most prominent and influential Islamic University, Al-AZhar of Egypt. This book is distributed to all of the Islamic Mosques in the United States. It says on pages 9 and 25 that adultery should be punished by stoning to death. Mohammad himself stoned men and women by his own hands. The Taliban are not extremists, but rather are genuine in that they want to apply Islamic Law.
Mr. -Rauof, the builder of the Ground Zero Mosque, wants to apply Islamic Law. What is this law all about? What is literally included in this book written by Al-AZhar?
Yes indeed, American people should know the mere facts, that the top Islamic universities confess that genuine Islam:
• Is not peaceful at all and rejects freedom of religious and human rights.
• Degrades & dehumanizes women, and discriminates and persecutes Jews and Christians.
All the Muslim scholars openly confirm that their “prophet” Mohammad said:
1. I was ordered by God to fight all people until they say that I am his messenger. If they say that I am not, allowed to shed their blood, seize their property, and capture their women.
2. If any Muslim converts to become a Christian or a Jew, he should be killed (Law of Apostasy).
3. If anyone steals even an egg, his hand should be cut off (Law of Theft).
4. If anyone drinks any alcohol, he should be flogged with 40 lashes.
5. Only the blood of Muslims is made equal. Consequently, if any Muslim kills one of another faith he will be required only to pay money to the family, but not be killed. However, the penalty for killing another Muslim is death.
6. Hang the whip where your wives can see it. (According to Al-Zomokhshori, in his popular book “The Revealer,” while explaining the Quran, Sura 4:34).
7. A wife is considered to be a slave to her husband.see AL Gazyia volume5,.and he said that all Muhammad friends including Omar his second successor,confirmed what Muhammad said.
Note: It is well-known that Mohammad not only owned slaves, but was a slave trader in the market of Mecca, especially after he became a “prophet.” (According to Al Gawzyyia in his book Zad Al-Miad, page 160, part 1).
He said also that He bought more than He sold, and he like all his friends had Female slaves for sex.
In page 30 of the above mentioned book, the “prophet” Mohammad said that anyone who runs away from Islam should be killed, whether they adopted another faith or not. A woman called Um Marawan renounced Islam. Mohammad ordered that if she failed to repent, that she should be put to death. All of Mohammad’s successors continued this practice. It is well-known that the first successor killed thousands of Arabs who renounced Islam after Mohammad’s death. All Junior High students study this War of Apostasy with pride.
Saudi Arabia – Islamic University
In 1974 A.D. the Muslim professor Ibn baz wrote a book to threaten the former president of Tunisia, Borkeba, as an apostate (one who renounces Islam) because he said that the Quran is filled with a lot of contradictions and fictional stories. Borkeba also degraded Muhammad and prohibited polygamy.
Kuwait and The Qatar Islamic University
The Muslim scholar Dr. Ahmad of Qatar said boldly and literally in the book “Individual Guarantee in Islamic Law” that we reject the United Nation’s Article 18 pertaining to Human Rights which states that anyone has the right to change his or her religion because Islam does not acknowledge this type of freedom.
Also see the weekly Kuwaiti magazine “Islamic Society,” April 17, 1989 – Dr. Jabir.who confirmed that.
If you are looking for more references, search “The Law of Apostasy Must Change,” a book by Reverend Bassam Madany, and also an article in The New York Times, May 12, 2008, about President Obama, titled, “The Apostate President.” The article stated that according to Islamic Sharia Law, any Muslim country may not punish any individual who tries to kill President Obama because he was raised as a Muslim.
No Compulsion in Religion – What Does This Verse Mean?
In his popular volume “Al Muhalla,” Ibn Hazm said in volume 8, part 2, that any Christian or Jew is free to be a Muslim or not. There is no compulsion. If He became Muslim, then he is not free anymore to renounce Islam, otherwise he should be killed. He also added on page 196, that is truly related to us, that Mohammad used to force the Pagan Arabs to embrace Islam or be killed. AL-Shaeawy of Egypt said the same.
Another very popular Muslim scholar, Al Shafi in his book “The Ordinance of Quran,” part 2, page 50, stated that Mohammad used to capture and kill Jews and Christians until some of them were forced to be Muslims and he imposed large taxes and humiliation on the others .
Our Religion is Not Peaceful
A very honest confession from one of the top contemporary Muslim scholars Dr. Al-Buti in his frequently printed book “Jurisprudence of the Mohammad Biography,” in the English edition, 1988, page 73. He says, “It is a wrong statement to say that Islam is a peaceful and loving religion. ”I hope Obama, Bush, Bloomberg, And Ron paul, and MR Ellison will learn. In the same book he keeps repeating that, “The jihad and the holy war in Islam is basically offensive, not defensive, to expand the religion because Mohammad said I was ordered by God to fight all people.” Actually that is what has happened in history.
What About the Verses of Peace in the Quran?
In his very popular book “Exactness-Itqan in Quaranic Science,” part 3, pages 61 – 69, Imam Al-Suyiti himself said that the verses of peace in the Quran issued first in Mecca when Muslims were few and weak but when they became strong in Medina they were ordered to fight and all these verses were abolished “abrogated” and replaced by the verses of the sword!!
Islamic Law of Theft
In “The Ordained Penalty of Sharia,” page 5, the author said upon the first offense that the right hand should be amputated. Upon the second offense, the left foot should be amputated. All of this is according to the Quran, Sura 5:38.
Mohammad used to hang the amputated hand on the thief’s neck and make him walk around the city as it is written in the book “Zad Al Miad-Gawzyaa,” volume 5.pages 52-56 Library Al Minara Al Islamyia.
About Beating the Wife
In his book “You Ask and Islam Answers,” page 94, the Muslim scholar Mushtahari commented on Sura 4:34 about beating the wife. He said that many wives are the sort of woman who need punishment and beating to bring them back to their senses. Dr. Ahmad of Qatar Islamic University in his above-mentioned book “Individual Guarantee” also agrees with this statement.No wonder that Liberal Muslim women ptotest as Taslima Nasrin in her popular NOVEL,SHAME. Of course escaped Bagladish to avoid Death.
About women in general, Mohammad said also that they have a deficiency in their mind and they are the cause of an evil omen and have crooked character.and most of the people that are going to hell are women. (Listed in the book “Bukhari,” volume 7 in English Edition also thanks).
Tolerance Verses Intolerance
We should definitely have love and tolerance to all peace-loving Muslims, but the Inhumane Islamic Sharia Law is very intolerant toward human rights and woman, and it breaks our federal law and Constitution which honor women and the freedom of religion. We should have intolerance to the religion of Islam. Before building the Ground Zero Mosque or any other Mosque in our Land, they should renounce not promote! the Sharia Law which mandates the killing of anyone who renounces Islam, stoning the adulterer, flogging the beer drinker, or cutting the hand off the thief if he steals even an egg!!. We cannot tolerate genuine Islam, never ever period. And the Muslim terrorist are genuine Muslim want to obey their Prophet ,Quran ,and all Muslim scholars without exception.,as we have seen already.
If Mr Raouf or Kenith Ellison Cogressman of Minnesota want Sharia Islamic Law, they should go to Saudi Arabia, but in this case their wives cannot drive a car.
The Brutal & Inhumane Islamic Law is Totally Against Our Constitution
The Builder of the Ground Zero Mosque Wants to Apply this Islamic Law!
The New York Times mentioned on August 22, 2010 that not just the Taliban stones adulterers, but also Saudi Arabian, Iranian, Pakistani, Sudanese, Somalian and even Nigerian Muslims: Why? Because, this simply is Islamic Sharia Law. In front of me now is a book called “The Ordained Penalties of the Sharia Law,” written by The most prominent and influential Islamic University, Al-AZhar of Egypt. This book is distributed to all of the Islamic Mosques in the United States. It says on pages 9 and 25 that adultery should be punished by stoning to death. Mohammad himself stoned men and women by his own hands. The Taliban are not extremists, but rather are genuine in that they want to apply Islamic Law.
Mr. -Rauof, the builder of the Ground Zero Mosque, wants to apply Islamic Law. What is this law all about? What is literally included in this book written by Al-AZhar?
Yes indeed, American people should know the mere facts, that the top Islamic universities confess that genuine Islam:
• Is not peaceful at all and rejects freedom of religious and human rights.
• Degrades & dehumanizes women, and discriminates and persecutes Jews and Christians.
All the Muslim scholars openly confirm that their “prophet” Mohammad said:
1. I was ordered by God to fight all people until they say that I am his messenger. If they say that I am not, allowed to shed their blood, seize their property, and capture their women.
2. If any Muslim converts to become a Christian or a Jew, he should be killed (Law of Apostasy).
3. If anyone steals even an egg, his hand should be cut off (Law of Theft).
4. If anyone drinks any alcohol, he should be flogged with 40 lashes.
5. Only the blood of Muslims is made equal. Consequently, if any Muslim kills one of another faith he will be required only to pay money to the family, but not be killed. However, the penalty for killing another Muslim is death.
6. Hang the whip where your wives can see it. (According to Al-Zomokhshori, in his popular book “The Revealer,” while explaining the Quran, Sura 4:34).
7. A wife is considered to be a slave to her husband.see AL Gazyia volume5,.and he said that all Muhammad friends including Omar his second successor,confirmed what Muhammad said.
Note: It is well-known that Mohammad not only owned slaves, but was a slave trader in the market of Mecca, especially after he became a “prophet.” (According to Al Gawzyyia in his book Zad Al-Miad, page 160, part 1).
He said also that He bought more than He sold, and he like all his friends had Female slaves for sex.
Egypt – Al-AZhar UniversityIn page 30 of the above mentioned book, the “prophet” Mohammad said that anyone who runs away from Islam should be killed, whether they adopted another faith or not. A woman called Um Marawan renounced Islam. Mohammad ordered that if she failed to repent, that she should be put to death. All of Mohammad’s successors continued this practice. It is well-known that the first successor killed thousands of Arabs who renounced Islam after Mohammad’s death. All Junior High students study this War of Apostasy with pride.
Saudi Arabia – Islamic University
In 1974 A.D. the Muslim professor Ibn baz wrote a book to threaten the former president of Tunisia, Borkeba, as an apostate (one who renounces Islam) because he said that the Quran is filled with a lot of contradictions and fictional stories. Borkeba also degraded Muhammad and prohibited polygamy.
Kuwait and The Qatar Islamic University
The Muslim scholar Dr. Ahmad of Qatar said boldly and literally in the book “Individual Guarantee in Islamic Law” that we reject the United Nation’s Article 18 pertaining to Human Rights which states that anyone has the right to change his or her religion because Islam does not acknowledge this type of freedom.
Also see the weekly Kuwaiti magazine “Islamic Society,” April 17, 1989 – Dr. Jabir.who confirmed that.
If you are looking for more references, search “The Law of Apostasy Must Change,” a book by Reverend Bassam Madany, and also an article in The New York Times, May 12, 2008, about President Obama, titled, “The Apostate President.” The article stated that according to Islamic Sharia Law, any Muslim country may not punish any individual who tries to kill President Obama because he was raised as a Muslim.
No Compulsion in Religion – What Does This Verse Mean?
In his popular volume “Al Muhalla,” Ibn Hazm said in volume 8, part 2, that any Christian or Jew is free to be a Muslim or not. There is no compulsion. If He became Muslim, then he is not free anymore to renounce Islam, otherwise he should be killed. He also added on page 196, that is truly related to us, that Mohammad used to force the Pagan Arabs to embrace Islam or be killed. AL-Shaeawy of Egypt said the same.
Another very popular Muslim scholar, Al Shafi in his book “The Ordinance of Quran,” part 2, page 50, stated that Mohammad used to capture and kill Jews and Christians until some of them were forced to be Muslims and he imposed large taxes and humiliation on the others .
Our Religion is Not Peaceful
A very honest confession from one of the top contemporary Muslim scholars Dr. Al-Buti in his frequently printed book “Jurisprudence of the Mohammad Biography,” in the English edition, 1988, page 73. He says, “It is a wrong statement to say that Islam is a peaceful and loving religion. ”I hope Obama, Bush, Bloomberg, And Ron paul, and MR Ellison will learn. In the same book he keeps repeating that, “The jihad and the holy war in Islam is basically offensive, not defensive, to expand the religion because Mohammad said I was ordered by God to fight all people.” Actually that is what has happened in history.
What About the Verses of Peace in the Quran?
In his very popular book “Exactness-Itqan in Quaranic Science,” part 3, pages 61 – 69, Imam Al-Suyiti himself said that the verses of peace in the Quran issued first in Mecca when Muslims were few and weak but when they became strong in Medina they were ordered to fight and all these verses were abolished “abrogated” and replaced by the verses of the sword!!
Islamic Law of Theft
In “The Ordained Penalty of Sharia,” page 5, the author said upon the first offense that the right hand should be amputated. Upon the second offense, the left foot should be amputated. All of this is according to the Quran, Sura 5:38.
Mohammad used to hang the amputated hand on the thief’s neck and make him walk around the city as it is written in the book “Zad Al Miad-Gawzyaa,” volume 5.pages 52-56 Library Al Minara Al Islamyia.
About Beating the Wife
In his book “You Ask and Islam Answers,” page 94, the Muslim scholar Mushtahari commented on Sura 4:34 about beating the wife. He said that many wives are the sort of woman who need punishment and beating to bring them back to their senses. Dr. Ahmad of Qatar Islamic University in his above-mentioned book “Individual Guarantee” also agrees with this statement.No wonder that Liberal Muslim women ptotest as Taslima Nasrin in her popular NOVEL,SHAME. Of course escaped Bagladish to avoid Death.
About women in general, Mohammad said also that they have a deficiency in their mind and they are the cause of an evil omen and have crooked character.and most of the people that are going to hell are women. (Listed in the book “Bukhari,” volume 7 in English Edition also thanks).
Tolerance Verses Intolerance
We should definitely have love and tolerance to all peace-loving Muslims, but the Inhumane Islamic Sharia Law is very intolerant toward human rights and woman, and it breaks our federal law and Constitution which honor women and the freedom of religion. We should have intolerance to the religion of Islam. Before building the Ground Zero Mosque or any other Mosque in our Land, they should renounce not promote! the Sharia Law which mandates the killing of anyone who renounces Islam, stoning the adulterer, flogging the beer drinker, or cutting the hand off the thief if he steals even an egg!!. We cannot tolerate genuine Islam, never ever period. And the Muslim terrorist are genuine Muslim want to obey their Prophet ,Quran ,and all Muslim scholars without exception.,as we have seen already.
If Mr Raouf or Kenith Ellison Cogressman of Minnesota want Sharia Islamic Law, they should go to Saudi Arabia, but in this case their wives cannot drive a car.
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