Thursday, September 9, 2010

Islam is Cursed by Cursing Israel; we are Blessed by Blessing Israel

This was originally posted the Dove World Outreach website blog, and is reproduced in it's entirety here, including tags chosen by the author and date tag chosen by me to make searching by date easier, and adding the author's name as a tag:

By Fran Ingram - Posted on 01 September 2010
We may be a small church, but we have broad knowledge of the International scene and a deep faith in the Word of God. At this time in America’s history, America needs “Islam is of the Devil.” It does not need to bless Islam. President Obama and his Administration bring a curse on America if they turn on Israel.

A common question we get from Moslems: why don’t you have a sign that says “Jews are of the devil”? First of all, we do not say “Moslems are of the devil.” We do not hate Moslems (or anyone) or wish them harm. Rather, we say “Islam is of the devil” because the teachings of Islam and what that produces in lies, violence and oppression are of the devil. We hope and pray that Moslems will come out of Islam and become Christians.

If Jews deny that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, the Savior of the World, then their beliefs are also of the devil, in the sense that they will not be saved. However, there is much more hope for the teachings of Judaism leading people to a belief in Christ, since they are pointed constantly to the hope of the Messiah, than for the followers of Mohammad. Moslems are trained from birth with repetitions of prayers and Koranic verses that breed hatred for both Jews and Christians, and their teachings, a stronghold of hatred, fear and violence, even when they do not understand the words they say.

Both Jewish and Christian teaching have no parallel to the teachings of lies, violence and oppression of Islam. Judaism is not anti-Christian. Also, all of the teachings of the Old Testament, the history, the Patriarchs, the Prophets, the people of Israel, the land are precious to us as Christians.

Most of us have lived in Europe or have immigrated from Europe. Our parents and grandparents lived and fought through the Second World War, on both sides. We are horrified that Europe cannot see the looming danger of Islam as the new Nazism of these times. It is tragic that Christians in Europe are full of apathy and fear, not even living and proclaiming their own faith, let alone confronting the strongholds of Islam, liberalism, humanism and intellectualism.

And why does Europe not support Israel as the United States does? Europe has lost the blessing of God because of this, because of its rejection of the Word of God, the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. America’s political leaders must not follow this path, yet we are in critical times for America too. The Obama Administration is following Europe’s agenda and is winning the blessings of Europe for their efforts. America does not need the blessings of Europe. America needs the blessing of God. America must not follow President Obama's lead.

Thankfully, the link between Islam and Nazism is being discussed more openly now. Here is a repost of an article by Clifford May.

Links between Islam and Nazis
By Clifford D. May
Scripps Howard News Service
Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the Mufti of Jerusalem, last month called on Palestinians to defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque which, he said, was ``threatened by the plans of the enemies of God," by which he meant Israelis.

It should go without saying that this is a lie. There is no Israeli threat to Al-Aqsa. Israelis have always recognized Islamic sovereignty over Islamic religious sites within Israel ― despite the fact that Jewish holy places have been desecrated by Palestinians, Jordanians and others. The notion that the Israelis would raze Al-Aqsa to build a temple on its ruins ― this, too, the Mufti has charged ― is a ludicrous slander.

What should not go without saying is how serious it is that such an allegation has been leveled by Jerusalem's senior Islamic religious authority. Under Sharia, Islamic law, to be an ``enemy of God" is to be the worst sort of criminal. Just a few weeks ago in Iran, five people were declared mohareb, enemies of God ― and then hanged.

Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, must know all this. Yet he says nothing about it. Nor do most Western diplomats, politicians and journalists.

Also ignored is the historical context. In the 1930s, the Mufti of Jerusalem was Haj Amin el-Husseini. He, too, despised Jews. There was not yet a state of Israel to despise. After participating in a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in 1941, Husseini moved to Berlin.

 There he became Hitler's ally, the ``most important public face and voice of Nazi Germany's Arabic-language propaganda," in the words of historian Jeffrey Herf, who adds: ``Husseini was a key figure in finding common ideological ground between National Socialism, on the one hand, and the doctrines of Arab nationalism and militant Islam, on the other.
Herf's groundbreaking study, ``Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World," draws on archival resources not previously mined to explore the extent and significance of this collaboration. His nuanced conclusion: ``Nazi Germany's Arabic-language propaganda was neither an imposition of a set of hatreds previously unknown to the traditions of Islam nor a matter of simply lighting the match to long-standing but suppressed anti-Jewish hatreds. "

Rather, the Nazis and their Arab partners drew on and emphasized ``the most despicable and hate-filled aspects of the cultures of Europe and of Islam.
They also added this audacious twist: They claimed they were the ones under attack. Their purpose, they insisted, was merely to protect themselves from a malevolent conspiracy. Over and over, Nazi diplomats and their allies drove the message that Churchill had started the war against Germany ``to expand British power," and that Roosevelt was behind Churchill ``as the exponent of world Jewry."
Herf elaborates: ``In Europe, the Nazis presented their policy of `extermination' and `annihilating' the Jews as a desperate and justified act of self-defense. In their propaganda directed at the Middle East, they urged Arabs and Muslims to take matters into their own hands and `kill the Jews' before the Jews were able to kill them. In both its European and Middle Eastern dimensions, the propaganda rested on the identical logic of paranoia and projection."
And here we are, more than a half-century later, with the current Mufti of Jerusalem fabricating crimes against Muslims for which Jews deserve to be put to death. Meanwhile, Hamas leaders openly declare their intention to annihilate Israel and exterminate Jews ― claiming they, too, are acting in self-defense, and calling themselves a ``resistance" movement.
Few scholars have examined the links between Nazi and Islamist ideas in the 20th century. Few journalists are examining their venomous legacy in the present era. Herf is an exception, as is author Paul Berman who recently observed that a taboo has developed: Most intellectuals determinedly ignore the fact that Nazi inspirations have visibly taken root among present-day Islamists, notably in regard to the demonic nature of Jewish conspiracies and the virtues of genocide."

This means, Berman added, that ``the Islamist preachers and ideologues have succeeded in imposing on the rest of us their own categories of analysis." In a war of ideas, that's tantamount to surrender.

Clifford D. May is president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. 

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