Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Shocking Dhimmitude of Gainesville, Florida

This was originally posted the Dove World Outreach website blog, and is reproduced in it's entirety here, including tags chosen by the author and date tag chosen by me to make searching by date easier, and adding the author's name as a tag:

By Fran Ingram - Posted on 24 August 2010
Let's learn a new word on the first day of school, shall we? Of course all of Gainesville, Florida knows the phrases: Islam is of the Devil and International Burn a Koran Day. Why is this good? Because we are trying to get them and the rest of America to stop being dhimmwits.

The Word

Bat Yeor's definition:
"As for the concept of dhimmitude, it represents a behavior dictated by fear (terrorism), pacifism when aggressed, rather than resistance, servility because of cowardice and vulnerability. The origin of this concept is to be found in the condition of the Infidel people who submit to the Islamic rule without fighting in order to avoid the onslaught of jihad. By their peaceful surrender to the Islamic army, they obtained the security for their life, belongings and religion, but they had to accept a condition of inferiority, spoliation and humiliation. As they were forbidden to possess weapons and give testimony against a Muslim, they were put in a position of vulnerability and humility."
(source here...)
Bernard Lewis, Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, states that
"If we look at the considerable literature available about the position of Jews in the Islamic world, we find two well-established myths. One is the story of a golden age of equality, of mutual respect and cooperation, especially but not exclusively in Moorish Spain; the other is of “dhimmi”-tude, of subservience and persecution and ill treatment. Both are myths. Like many myths, both contain significant elements of truth, and the historic truth is in its usual place, somewhere in the middle between the extremes."

(source here...)

Robert Spencer author of The Myth of Islamic Tolerance defines dhimmitude as:

Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis, “protected” or “guilty” people, are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime, but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur'an's command that they "feel themselves subdued" (Sura 9:29). This denial of equality of rights and dignity remains part of the Sharia, and, as such, are part of the legal superstructure that global jihadists are laboring through violence to restore everywhere in the Islamic world, and wish ultimately to impose on the entire human race.
Case in point, the reaction of Gainesville, Florida to our "Islam is of the Devil" sign and protests. The denial of the Burn Permit is the latest in a series of behaviors "dictated by fear (terrorism), pacifism when aggressed, rather than resistance, servility because of cowardice and vulnerability."
Christian churches here have been scrambling to distance themselves from us, some even denying the central truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to stand by people of other faiths and say all is well: COEXIST. There are many paths to God! We may have more 'coexist' bumper stickers in this City than anywhere else per capita. Please pay attention to the fact that the crescent is the C and the Cross is stuck at the end. Dhimmiitude!
Christians have been protesting against our street preaching and peaceful protests, as if evangelism were not a part of our faith anymore, and now a large church is holding a gathering for 'hope' with other faiths on September 10. The only reason we can think of for such a meeting is to try to placate the Moslems who may well be serious about violence. Rest assured, Moslems, you seem to have already won with the Gainesville churches. They are holding their hands high: don't shoot! I am a dhimmi.
The Alachua County School board has mandated school uniforms this year for the first time in history. This is because they handled the whole T-Shirt incident of last August so poorly that the ACLU came to our defense and is helping us sue them. Several of our students wore T-Shirts that read ISLAM IS OF THE DEVIL. The case is still working is way through the legal process, but the kids are stuck with the uniforms. (See our In the News section for more on that.)
Oh, but they can wear the official school T-Shirts which just have the name of the school on it. However, dhimmi Westwood Middle School decided to put peace signs in their Os. To a Christian that is recognized as a blatantly anti-Christian symbol, a broken upside down Cross. So no mention of the evils of Islam anymore, but they can break their own regulations and use peace symbols, to get back at us for messing things up with our T-Shirts last year, we suppose.
The local media is an interseting study for dhimmitude. Especially the Gainesville Sun. They went out of their way to give long detailed coverage of what all our opposition had to say, slanderous accustaions with no proof to back them, and the long School Board meeting where the community spoke and spoke about Islam being so peaceful and wonderful. Interviews with us have often been misquoted or ignored. Of course, owned by the New York Times they represent the left in all its might, but one cannot help feeling sick about the lack of journalistic integrity at times. We give a much higher mark to TV 20 and the Alligator in this area, but we have been a problem for them too. Understandably, I suppose, for organizations funded by a City that is angry with us. 
In the spring this year, our mortgage was called in without warning. Although we have been their client for many years, in perfectly good standing, RBC Bank demanded that we repay $140,000 in 60 days.  RBC Bank gave no reason for their demand, but they are headquartered in Raleigh, N.C. North Carolina has a strong Muslim presence including state senator Larry Shaw who is also the chairman of the terror-linked Muslim group CAIR – an unindicted co-conspirator to the largest Islamic terror financing conviction in the U.S. It is part of the RBC Canada family that has entered into Islamic Sharia financing in recent years.
Our church is certainly not Sharia compliant. Banks that offer Sharia Finance prefer only to do business with Sharia compliant clients. What does this mean for the future of America’s churches and businesses that do not please the growing Moslem population? Some examples would be selling pork or alcohol - not allowed under Sharia. We managed to fight for a year’s extension, but now dhimmi Cottons All Lines Insurance has sent notice of a cancelation of our insurance.
Then there is the Burn Permit. When we first applied for it, there was no problem. Now the City Council has voted to deny it, even though it is our 1st Ammendment Right. Here is Dr Jones' recent statement to the media about this decision:
We are not surprised. It is a typical example of how government bows to pressure. We met with the Fire Marshal and agreed to all their stipulations. There was no legal reason to turn us down. It was strictly a political move. We will on 9/11 still burn Korans.
... in Gainesville, Florida. Or shall we call it Dhimmiville, Florida?

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