This was originally posted the Dove World Outreach website blog, and is reproduced in it's entirety here, including tags chosen by the author and date tag chosen by me to make searching by date easier, and adding the author's name as a tag:
Words are powerful weapons, agents of life or death. Islam's lies are agents of fear and destruction. The truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news of the Bible, is spoken all too softly these days, so we are doing something about it. Truth brings life.
CAIR (aka the Moslem Mafia) reposted TV20's news report today. Despite the complaint about the megaphone after about half an hour, several of our Pastors and Ministers continued preaching the Gospel (minus the megaphone) and talking to people about why we were protesting. FOX and CBS news came down from Jacksonville to cover the protest, and our local TV20 also made a showing.
Several Gainesville Police cars and Officers stayed to watch over the event. Our local Police and Sherriff's Department have always been respectful and supportive of our freedoms. We are thankful for this. If Sharia Law takes hold in America, we will loose the freedoms we have.
CAIR (aka the Moslem Mafia) reposted TV20's news report today. Despite the complaint about the megaphone after about half an hour, several of our Pastors and Ministers continued preaching the Gospel (minus the megaphone) and talking to people about why we were protesting. FOX and CBS news came down from Jacksonville to cover the protest, and our local TV20 also made a showing.
Several Gainesville Police cars and Officers stayed to watch over the event. Our local Police and Sherriff's Department have always been respectful and supportive of our freedoms. We are thankful for this. If Sharia Law takes hold in America, we will loose the freedoms we have.
One news report (see our 'in the news' section) said we were calling for the Islamic Center to be shut down, which was not the case. We used it's location to protest Islam's teachings. We are opposed to the building of new mosques and want Islamic schools to be shut down, as we have previously stated. Another report said that we had previously protested an art exhibit, which is news to us!
Our shirts say
Front: "I stand in truth with Dove World Outreach Center", followed by, "Jesus answered I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6
Back: "Islam is of the Devil"
The signs we held are statements we have used in other protests or have put on our sign board in front of our church over the last year. We switch these signs every few weeks, but the Islam is of the Devil signs are a permanent fixture.
Here are the statements we used yesterday:
Heaven or Hell?
Jesus Saves
Jesus is the Only Way
Jesus is not a liberal
All cultures are not equal
Truth is not bigotry
Pray for Obama Psalm 109:8
Obama is a Moslem
ban Sharia Law in USA
Sharia Law is evil
Obama’s policies are of he Devil
Obama peace prize is a joke
Obama means crooked slightly bent
Islam is the New Nazism
Mohammad was a false prophet
Fort Hood is only the beginning
30 terrorist training camps in the US
God hates luke warm churches
Stop Islamic terrorism
Islamic honor killing Noor Almaleki
Incorrect tolerance destroys a nation
Pictures of the event are here on facebook...
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