Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reasons to Protest Islamic Centers and Mosques

This was originally posted the Dove World Outreach website blog, and is reproduced in it's entirety here, including tags chosen by the author and date tag chosen by me to make searching by date easier, and adding the author's name as a tag:

By Fran Ingram - Posted on 02 July 2010

We have been protesting Islam with sings and T-Shirts in public places for a year now. This Monday, July 5, we will be standing in protest outside the Islamic Center on University Avenue in Gainesville, Florida.

Islam is of the Devil for many reasons.

In a recent Braveheart Show on Youtube, Dr Terry Jones explains our stand:

There is only one way to heaven, through Jesus. There is only one true religion, and that is Christianity. There is only one true book, and that is the Bible. True, there is freedom of religion in America, but not under Islamic law.

Islam is a totalitarian form of government, ruled by Sharia Law. It is not only a religion. It has its own constitution, its own set of laws.

There is no such thing as moderate Islam. There is no such thing as peaceful Islam. There are moderate or peaceful Moslems, but there is no peaceful Islam or moderate Islam, because you cannot separate Islam from Islamic Law, and Islamic law calls for violence, jihad, war, hates Israel, hates Christians. So there is no such thing as the "good old Islam down the road." Their desire is to rule, reign, take over.

What do we need to do in the United States?

Stop all Islamic immigration. They are only coming to this country to take over and try to enforce and force their Islamic laws upon us, through population growth, political means, educational means. In Europe they have already done it. In the United States they are trying to get Sharia Courts that would judge outside of our Constitution, that would allow things like wife beating and honor killings to be OK.

Demand that all Moslems that are here must adapt to our values, that they become Americans. If they want to stay Moslems, with their culture, their Islamic law, then they can stay in Moslem dominated countries. The United States is a melting pot. You come here, you become an American, you speak English, you adapt to our values, our Constitution, our way of life. They should be made to sign a legal, binding document, pledging allegiance, like you do when you become a United States Citizen, to their new home, the United States of America.

If they commit any criminal acts and they are not nationalized citizens, we should deport them. We should send them back to their country. They have a passport, they are here because of our good grace. If they commit crimes, plot terrorism, that is where our grace ends and they get sent back.

We should stop, immediately, the building of all mosques in America until they allow us to build churches in Saudi Arabia, until we can build churches in Iran, Iraq, in countries that are dominated by Islam. They will not let us do that. There is no freedom there. Why should we let them come here and abuse our freedom? Basically, take our freedom and turn it against us? Use our legal system, use it as a weapon against us? No new mosques should be built until we are able to evangelize there, build churches there, until we also have that type of freedom in that country.

We must close all Islamic schools. They are not beacons of education. They are not there, like our schools, teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, history. They indoctrinate the young people, not in religion, (that would be OK: we have in America freedom of religion) but in Sharia Law. We must not forget, Sharia Law calls for the death of homosexuals, the death of adulterers, inhumane punishment of criminals.

We must, as soon as we can, according to our political system, democracy, republic, as soon as we can vote again, we must remove all weak leadership. Weak leadership will destroy a nation, because if our leaders do not lead, then somebody, something else will lead us, and right now we are not being led by God and godly principles.

In the video linked here at, Wafa Sultan talks about the criminal trial of Geert Wilders. Neither she nor Geert Wilders are Christians, but their concerns for the preservation of Judeo-Christian freedoms in Europe and America are the same concerns we have. Mrs Sultan points out that Moslems themselves are both “oppressed and oppressive.” She is fighting for Moslems, not against them, and so are we.

We do not hate Moslems or wish them harm. On the contrary, we long for their freedom. They have been deceived by a false religion, a false prophet, and are trapped under a heavy demonic bondage. Mrs Sultan would not express it in those terms, but we see this as both a spiritual and political fight, one in which millions of lives and souls are at stake.

There is a growing movement around the world of groups and individuals who are trying to raise awareness about the teachings of Islam and the plans and goals of Islamic leaders around the world. They are politicians, academics and religious leaders, Christians and non-Christians. We are the only Christian church in the world that has taken such a bold stand for our faith and freedoms against Islam. This may only be possible now in America, and we may not have this freedom for long if more do not join us.

The American government and media are largely silent on these issues or are sympathetic to Islam. This may be because of simple ignorance, but there is mounting evidence that financial, political and social pressure is being applied by Moslems here and abroad to silence discussion of the true nature and intent of Islam, and to push for Sharia law and Sharia compliance to be accepted.

Mrs Sultan calls the teaching of Islam in the West ‘sugar coated.’ The literal Islamic classical Arabic Koran and the accounts of the life of Mohammad, are not translated accurately. Nor should they be, according to Moslems, as this would be sacrilege. Yet scholars of classical Arabic, like Wafa Sultan and many other former Moslems and Arabic speaking non-Moslems, do have freedom to accurately translate and comment on Moslem teachings, culture and society.

The result of this willful deception, we can now see, is a rise in conversions to Islam and of sympathy and appeasement toward Islamic peoples and states. I have outlined my concerns for Moslem women in this video on Truthtube. Youtube took it to be slander and removed it from my account there, but the harsh and often brutal realities that face Moslem women everyday are not made clear to potential converts. And somehow the rights of Moslem women are not being championed sufficiently.

So we see a need to do ‘something.’ We have heard so many objections to our work and stand, which all amount to the same thing: put your light under a bushel, suppress the truth, hide in your church again, shut up!

If you are one of these people, you have a problem. We are Christians and we are Americans. In the world today, there is no other combination of faith and nation that hands you so much freedom, the last bastion of truth in these end times.

If you agree with some or all of our stand, then join us, stand with us, support us. Let us take the hits that come from standing on the 'front line' if you can't, but do something. Every kind of support we receive is welcome.

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